miércoles, 7 de junio de 2017



Objetivo: Se investigó la prevalencia de parasitosis intestinal en niños de una comunidad rural, con el fin de identificar los factores que propician la infección por parásitos intestinales. 
Material y métodos: Se solicitó una muestra de materia fecal para su estudio parasitoscópico y se aplicó un cuestionario para conocer algunos hábitos higiénicos de 219 niños, entre cuatro y 12 años. Se empleó la razón de momios (RM) para identificar los riesgos y se usó la prueba exacta de Fisher (p < 0.05) en algunas tablas de contingencia de 2 x 2. 
Resultados: La prevalencia de infección intestinal fue de 40.6%. Se encontraron cinco especies de parásitos: H. nana, E. histolytica, G. duodenalis, A. lumbricoides y B. hominis, y algunas especies comensales. La mayoría de los ni- ños toman agua sin hervir (78.1%), solamente 1.8% tira la basura en el patio de su casa; por falta de baño 66.7% defecaban al ras del suelo; 4.6% no se lavaban las manos antes de comer y 3.7% después de defecar; 98.6% convivían con animales y se observó que 26.9% de las casas tenían excrementos humano al ras del suelo al momento de la visita. 
Conclusiones: Se encontró riesgo en las asociaciones entre la infección intestinal por áscaris y giardia con malos há- bitos higiénicos de los niños, por lo que se sugiere como primera medida preventiva información y educación para la salud.


Objective: The prevalence of intestinal parasitosis in children living in a rural community was studied. The risk factors implicated also were investigated. 
Materials and methods: A fecal sample for coproparasitoscopy study was obtained in each one of 219 individuals from four to 12 year of age, and a survey was done in regard to sanitary conditions of the house and personal hygiene. 
Results: The prevalence of infection founded was 40.6%. Five parasites were identified: H. nana, E. histolytica, G. duodenalis, A. Lumbricoides and B. hominis; 78.1% of the children drink water without boiled; 66.7% use to defecate at floor; 98.6% had animals at home. Conclusions: The risk of infection of ascaris and giardia was high when the hygiene habits were poor. It is suggested that information about self-care could be given as preventive measurement of infection.

domingo, 4 de junio de 2017

miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2017



Achieved compares the hypothesis with the results obtained through the work of sampling of the research "Intestinal Parasitosis in children 6-12 years in primary school blood of heroes", by means of which found parasites above mentioned in the bibliography, since they are directly related to the endemic area where was the research, (Tlalnepantla, Morelos); This with the help of theoretical methodology - practices, complying with the objective of analyzing and find positive samples supported the technique of "formalin", which is a technical coproparasitoscopica.
Similarly it was possible to determine environmental, cultural and economic factors, as well as its influence on the spread of parasitic diseases, performing data-statistics which determines the incidence with which arises a preventive measure or prophylaxis, for each found situation.

With this doing statistics with data obtained with which determines the parasite incidence, then compare it to previous years, to conclude with the delivery of results and deworming medications for each case.


miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2017



A PEDESTRIAN:is a person who doesn't have a car.

Resultado de imagen para peaton

A LOAN:is amoney which a bank to us.

Resultado de imagen para PRESTAMO

FANS: people who admire somebody.

Resultado de imagen para FANS

BOARDING SCHOOL: is a place where live and study the students.

Resultado de imagen para COACH

A COACH: is a person who leads a team.

Resultado de imagen para semaforo

TRAFFIC LIGHTS: is a objects which controlthe traffic.

Resultado de imagen para cancha de futbol

FOOTBALL PITCH:  is a place where you can play football.

Resultado de imagen para selfish

SELFISH: a person who doesn't like to share.

Resultado de imagen para cash machine

A CASH MACHINE: is a place where you can take out money.

Practice #12

Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg, the American computer programmer, who sas ben in New York in 1989, was one of the founders of Facebook.

In his teens he began to write software programe as a hobby. After school he went to Harvar, where he studied computer science and sociology at Harvard. While he was there he created a website calledFacemash, which allowed students to share photos. It was shut down by the university but it inspired him to create Facebook, which he launched facebook from his room in 2004.

He left Harvard and moved to California with Dustin Moskovitz, who had been  his roommate and together they made Facebook an international success. 

In 2012 Zukerberg married Priscilla Chan, who he had dated her  for nine years. 
Resultado de imagen para mark zuckerberg

Practice #11


miércoles, 22 de marzo de 2017

Practice #7

Quiroz Fernanda.
The same but more cheap                                                                                            

Floor manager                                                                                                               March 22th 2017

Dear Mrs Quiroz

Last wednesday, 7 March, I ordered a computer from your online store (with order refence # FMG0518) and instead of my computer  of apple I received one computer distintc.
Report what happened, they told me that they would recover their mistake in less than one week.
However they did not do it, they told me again but who attended me I spoke to, Merry, was rude and unhelpful. She  said that the item was not in stock,and that she didn¨t know when they would arrive.
Yours please contact me at the above address.

Thank you for attention.
Mrs Texis Lizbeth.

martes, 7 de marzo de 2017

Practice #4

Practice #3

February 15th Horoscopes Online      

Resultado de imagen para acuario famosos
Topic: School
If you study you will passs all the test of the week!

Imagen relacionada
Topic : Love 
If you look in your closet, you will find a sourvenir from your childhood!

                                      Resultado de imagen para kristen stewart
Topic: Love  
If you go dancing, you will meet the love of your life!

Resultado de imagen para Adele
Topic: Healt 
If you don't do gym , you wont lose 2 kilograms!

Resultado de imagen para Johnny Depp

Topic: School 
If you read carefuly, you notice that you know the answer!

Resultado de imagen para ben affleck

Topic: Destinity
If you don't check your mails, you won't get an important message!

Resultado de imagen para famosos virgo

Topic: Money
You will get money if you help your mum at home.

Resultado de imagen para famosos libra

Topic: Love 
You will receive flowers if you wear something red.

Resultado de imagen para famosos escorpio

Topic: Money
You will win the lottery if you buy four tickets!

Resultado de imagen para famosos sagitario

Topic: Bussing
You will make an excellent deal if you don't lie.

Resultado de imagen para famosos cancer

Topic: Destinity
You will be unlucky if you see a black cat on Saturday.

Resultado de imagen para famosos alex turner

Topic: Personality
You will get a discount if you show your real attitude!

miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2017

Practice #2


The first impressions are remarkably exact it most of the times.

#Attractionisequaltopositive People who are attractive, have more opportunities.

With a photopeople tend to know your personality.

Scientists relate the height with intelligence.

In the case of men, testosterone does have the wider face.
